Trainer i cheaty do gry FIFA Manager 1x


FIFA Manager 1x Cheaty

PLITCH to niezależne oprogramowanie PC oferujące ponad 72500 cheatów do więcej niż 5100 gier na PC, w tym wiele kodów (244) do gry FIFA Manager 1x.

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Zainstaluj PLITCH, uruchom grę FIFA Manager 1x i użyj cheatów PLITCH.

Trainer i cheaty do gry FIFA Manager 1x


FIFA Manager 1x Cheaty

PLITCH to niezależne oprogramowanie PC oferujące ponad 72500 cheatów do więcej niż 5100 gier na PC, w tym wiele kodów (244) do gry FIFA Manager 1x.

Logo WindowsPobierz

Zainstaluj PLITCH, uruchom grę FIFA Manager 1x i użyj cheatów PLITCH.

Trustpilot Current Truspilot Rating Na podstawie 4624 recenzji
Zabezpieczone przez Sectigo. Skarga RODO
FIFA Manager 1x
Najpopularniejsze 4 kody w PLITCH Darmowe cheatyClub: Money +5.000.000Club: Money +500.000.000
Ikona premium PLITCH Cheaty Premium
Unlimited points for player-careerUnlimited negotiation rounds for adboardsZobacz wszystkie kody Strzałka skierowana w dół

Zarejestruj się tutaj, by otrzymać wiadomość e-mail
z linkiem do pobrania Plitch na PC. *

Zarejestruj się
* PLITCH to niezależne oprogramowanie PC oferujące ponad 72500 cheatów do więcej niż 5100 gier na PC, w tym wiele kodów (244) do gry FIFA Manager 1x.
Trustpilot Current Truspilot Rating Na podstawie 4624 recenzji
Zabezpieczone przez Sectigo. Skarga RODO
Zrzut ekranu pogramu stacjonarnego

Cheaty: 244

FIFA Manager 1x

Pobierz i zainstaluj Plitch.
Utwórz konto darmowe lub premium.
* Musisz kupić grę FIFA Manager 1x w jednym z obsługiwanych sklepów, by móc korzystać z PLITCH w powiązaniu z tym tytułem.

Darmowe cheaty do gry FIFA Manager 1x

Te cheaty są darmowe i dostępne dla wszystkich.
Aktywuj najpierw
Przygotowanie do kodów
Club: Money +5.000.000
Club: Money +500.000.000
Club: Money set 0
Club: Budget player salary +50.000.000
Club: Budget transfers +50.000.000
Club: Budget infrastructure +50.000.000
Club: Budget miscellaneous +50.000.000
Ikona premium PLITCH

Cheaty premium do gry FIFA Manager 1x

Te cheaty są dostępne tylko dla użytkowników premium.
Unlimited points for player-career
Unlimited negotiation rounds for adboards
Unlimited negotiation rounds for sponsor pyramid
Unlimited time and mood for main sponsor
Unlimited negotiationrounds for name-rights
Unlimited negotiationrounds for managersponsors
Team-tactics: All to 5
Quiz always right answer
Gracz z pola
Player: Attribute ball control +1
Player: Attribute ball control -1
Player: Attribute dribbling +1
Player: Attribute dribbling -1
Player: Attribute finishing +1
Player: Attribute finishing -1
Player: Attribute shot power +1
Player: Attribute shot power -1
Player: Attribute long shots +1
Player: Attribute long shots -1
Player: Attribute volleys +1
Player: Attribute volleys -1
Player: Attribute crossing +1
Player: Attribute crossing -1
Player: Attribute passing (short) +1
Player: Attribute passing (short) -1
Player: Attribute passing (long) +1
Player: Attribute passing (long) -1
Player: Attribute heading accuracy +1
Player: Attribute heading accuracy -1
Player: Attribute tackle (standing) +1
Player: Attribute tackle (standing) -1
Player: Attribute tackle (sliding) +1
Player: Attribute tackle (sliding) -1
Player: Attribute marking +1
Player: Attribute marking -1
Player: 99er field player
Player: +3 all field player attributes
Player: Attribute diving +1
Player: Attribute diving -1
Player: Attribute handling +1
Player: Attribute handling -1
Player: Attribute positioning +1
Player: Attribute positioning -1
Player: Attribute one-on-ones +1
Player: Attribute one-on-ones -1
Player: Attribute reflexes +1
Player: Attribute reflexes -1
Player: Attribute kicking +1
Player: Attribute kicking -1
Player: 99er goal keeper
Player: +3 all goal keeper attributes
Umowa gracza
Player: Remove end of career
Player: End of career at end of season
Player contract: Salary +500.000
Player contract: Salary -500.000
Player contract: Appearances bonus +2.000
Player contract: Appearances bonus -2.000
Player contract: Retain divisional status +1.000
Player contract: Retain divisional status -1.000
Player contract: Championship/Promotion bonus +5.000
Player contract: Championship/Promotion bonus -5.000
Player contract: Goal/Clean sheet bonus +1.000
Player contract: Goal/Clean sheet bonus -1.000
Player contract: Minimum release fee +1.000.000
Player contract: Minimum release fee -1.000.000
Player contract: Season increment +1%
Player contract: Season increment -1%
Player contract: Salary +10.000
Player contract: Salary -10.000
Atrybuty gracza
Player: Attribute positioning (off) +1
Player: Attribute positioning (off) -1
Player: Attribute positioning (def) +1
Player: Attribute positioning (def) -1
Player: Attribute vision +1
Player: Attribute vision -1
Player: Attribute aggression +1
Player: Attribute aggression -1
Player: Attribute reactions +1
Player: Attribute reactions -1
Player: Attribute composure +1
Player: Attribute composure -1
Player: Attribute consistency +1
Player: Attribute consistency -1
Player: Attribute tactical awareness +1
Player: Attribute tactical awareness -1
Player: Attribute free kicks +1
Player: Attribute free kicks -1
Player: Attribute corners +1
Player: Attribute corners -1
Player: Attribute penalties +1
Player: Attribute penalties -1
Player: Attribute acceleration +1
Player: Attribute acceleration -1
Player: Attribute sprint speed +1
Player: Attribute sprint speed -1
Player: Attribute agility +1
Player: Attribute agility -1
Player: Attribute jumping +1
Player: Attribute jumping -1
Player: Attribute strength +1
Player: Attribute strength -1
Player: Attribute stamina +1
Player: Attribute stamina -1
Player: Attribute balance +1
Player: Attribute balance -1
Pozycje gracza
Player: Position bias GK 100
Player: Position bias GK 0
Player: Position bias RB 100
Player: Position bias RB 0
Player: Position bias LB 100
Player: Position bias LB 0
Player: Position bias CD 100
Player: Position bias CD 0
Player: Position bias DM 100
Player: Position bias DM 0
Player: Position bias RM 100
Player: Position bias RM 0
Player: Position bias LM 100
Player: Position bias LM 0
Player: Position bias CM 100
Player: Position bias CM 0
Player: Position bias AM 100
Player: Position bias AM 0
Player: Position bias RW 100
Player: Position bias RW 0
Player: Position bias LW 100
Player: Position bias LW 0
Player: Position bias CF 100
Player: Position bias CF 0
Player: Position bias ST 100
Player: Position bias ST 0
Gracz - ogólne
Player: Morale +10
Player: Morale -10
Player: Form +1
Player: Form -1
Player: Form bonus +1
Player: Form bonus -1
Player: Energy +10
Player: Energy -10
Player: Fitness +10
Player: Fitness -10
Player: Self confidence +10
Player: Self confidence -10
Player: Atmosphere +1
Player: Atmosphere -1
Player: Trust in coach +1
Player: Trust in coach -1
Player: Hero status increase
Player: Hero status decrease
Player: Experiences +100
Player: Experiences -100
Player: Talent +1
Player: Talent -1
Player: Leadership +1
Player: Leadership -1
Player: Size +3cm
Player: Size -3cm
Player: Weight +3kg
Player: Weight -3kg
Player: Left footed
Player: Right footed
Player: Both footed
Player: Heal injury
Player: Set injury
Player: Age -365 days
Player: Age +365 days
Player: Maximum status
Player: Medium status
Player: Minimum status
Drużyna narodowa
Nationalteam contract: Salary +100.000
Nationalteam contract: Salary -100.000
Nationalteam contract: Qualification +10.000
Nationalteam contract: Qualification -10.000
Nationalteam contract: Per round +30.000
Nationalteam contract: Per round -30.000
Nationalteam contract: Title +50.000
Nationalteam contract: Title -50.000
Nationalteam contract: Runtime +1 year
Nationalteam contract: Runtime -1 year
Unlimited negotiationrounds for nationalteam contract
Umowa menadżerska
Manager team contract: Salary +250.000
Manager team contract: Salary -250.000
Manager team contract: Victory-bonus +20.000
Manager team contract: Victory-bonus -20.000
Manager team contract: Profit participation +0,1%
Manager team contract: Profit participation -0,1%
Manager team contract: Annual increase +0,1%
Manager team contract: Annual increase -0,1%
Manager team contract: runtime +1 year
Manager team contract: runtime -1 year
Unlimited negotiation rounds for team-contract
Staff: Attributes to 99
Staff: Talent +1
Staff: Talent -1
Staff: Willingness to learn +5
Staff: Willingness to learn -5
Staff: Resilience +5
Staff: Resilience -5
Staff: Effort +5
Staff: Effort -5
Staff: Motivation +5
Staff: Motivation -5
Staff: Stress +5
Staff: Stress -5
Staff: Loyalty +5
Staff: Loyalty -5
Staff: Age -365 days
Staff: Age +365 days
Staff contract: Salary +30.000
Staff contract: Salary -30.000
Staff contract: Annual increase +1%
Staff contract: Annual increase -1%
Partner: Mood/atmosphere +5%
Partner: Mood/atmosphere -5%
Partner: Intelligence +1
Partner: Intelligence -1
Partner: Patience +1
Partner: Patience -1
Partner: Spending behavior +1
Partner: Spending behavior -1
Partner: Soccer enthusiasm +1
Partner: Soccer enthusiasm -1
Club: Balance all costs 0
Club: National prestige +1
Club: National prestige -1
Club: International prestige +1
Club: International prestige -1
Club: Team self-confidence +1
Club: Team self-confidence -1
Club-facility 1 day construction
Manager: Money +5.000.000
Manager: Money +500.000.000
Manager: Experiences/points +5.000
Manager: Experiences/points +50.000
Manager: Full fanpopularity
Manager: Full media-status
Manager: Unlimited sport per day
Uzyskaj konto premium, by móc korzystać ze wszystkich cheatów. Ikona premium PLITCHZdobądź premium

FAQ and More

FIFA Manager 13: kolejna wyjątkowa odsłona?

Wydana w 2012 roku gra FIFA Manager 13 – potem FIFA Manager 1X oraz FIFA Manager 15-16 – to już 12. odsłona udanej serii menedżerów EA Sports. Dzięki naszym ekskluzywnym kodom i cheatom PLITCH już nigdy nie doświadczysz finansowych zawirowań i dlatego odniesiesz większy sukces niż legendarni trenerzy, tacy jak Franciszek Smuda czy Jose Mourinho.
Obsługiwane sklepy*:
EA AppRetail
Deweloper: Rok wydania: Ostatnia aktualizacja trainera:
Electronic Arts
Pełna Nazwa: Wydawca:
FIFA Manager 1x
EA Sports
Deweloper: Rok wydania: Ostatnia aktualizacja trainera: Pełna Nazwa: Wydawca: Obsługiwane sklepy*:
Electronic Arts
201421.02.2024FIFA Manager 1x
EA Sports
EA AppRetail
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