Trainer i cheaty do gry Terra Invicta

Trainer i cheaty do gry Terra Invicta

Terra Invicta
Najpopularniejsze 4 kody w PLITCH
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Cheaty: 70
Terra Invicta
Darmowe cheaty do gry Terra Invicta
Te cheaty są darmowe i dostępne dla wszystkich.
Aktywuj najpierw
Pieniądze / Zasoby
Add Cash
Add Influence
Sub Cash
Sub Influence
Cheaty premium do gry Terra Invicta
Pieniądze / Zasoby
Add Ops
Sub Ops
Add Boosts
Sub Boosts
Add Water
Sub Water
Add Volatiles
Sub Volatiles
Base Metals
Sub Base Metals
Add Noble Metals
Sub Noble Metals
Add Fissiles
Sub Fissiles
Add Antimatter
Sub Antimatter
Add Exotics
Sub Exotics
Opened councilor: Set XP
Opened councilor: Persuasion
Opened councilor: Investigation
Opened councilor: Espionage
Opened councilor: Command
Opened councilor: Administration
Opened councilor: Science
Opened councilor: Security
Opened councilor: Loyality
Opened councilor: Apparent Loyality
Selected nation: Set Nuclear Weapons
Selected nation: Set GDP
Selected nation: Set Inequality
Selected nation: Set Education
Selected nation: Set Government
Selected nation: Set Cohesion
Selected nation: Set Unrest
Selected nation: Set Military Tech Level
Sel. nation: Set "Submit To Aliens
Sel. nation: Set "Appease The Aliens
Sel. nation: Set "Cooperate With The Aliens
Sel. nation: Set "Various Beliefs
Sel. nation: Set "Escape the Aliens
Sel. nation: Set "Resist the Aliens
Sel. nation: Set "Destroy the Aliens
Se. nation: Set "Undecided
Sel. nation: Reset investment count this year
Selected nation: Set Government
Global research: 3x contribution by player
Global research: 10x contribution by player
Global research: 30x contribution by player
Global research: 100x contribution by player
Local projects: 3x faster progress for player
Local projects: 10x faster progress for player
Local projects: 30x faster progress for player
Local projects: 100x faster progress for player
Player missions always success
AI missions always success
AI missions always fail
No AI ship construction
Slow AI ship construction (0.5x)
Fast AI ship construction (2x)
Fast AI ship construction (5x)
Very fast ship construction
Fast ship construction (10x)
Fast ship construction (3x)
Slow ship construction (0.5x)
FAQ and More
Obsługiwane sklepy*:
![Steam Steam]()
![MS-Store MS-Store]()
Rok wydania:
Ostatnia aktualizacja trainera:
Pavonis Interactive
202222.07.2024Pełna Nazwa:
Terra Invicta
Hooded Horse