Captain and Crew Skillpoints not working

When activating either one, Captain or Crew skillpoint options neither one adds skill points.

When activating either one, Captain or Crew skillpoint options neither one adds skill points.

same problem, +1

same problem, +1

Hi together,
please try to start both PLITCH and Steam with explicit administrator rights (right-click on the desktop icon and then "run as administrator"). Then start the game with the "PLAY" button in PLITCH.
Also make sure to gain or spend one skillpoint before and after you activate the cheat so the values can update.

Hi together,
please try to start both PLITCH and Steam with explicit administrator rights (right-click on the desktop icon and then "run as administrator"). Then start the game with the "PLAY" button in PLITCH.
Also make sure to gain or spend one skillpoint before and after you activate the cheat so the values can update.

Thank you for the response.
And tried your instructions to the letter. Still not working.
The Captain skill points does not work at all. Zip, zero, zilch, nada.
The Crew skill points only works for the crew member in slot seven of the crew list. Does not work on any other crew member. So need to swap crew members out one at a time in that slot.

Thank you for the response.
And tried your instructions to the letter. Still not working.
The Captain skill points does not work at all. Zip, zero, zilch, nada.
The Crew skill points only works for the crew member in slot seven of the crew list. Does not work on any other crew member. So need to swap crew members out one at a time in that slot.

Thanks for checking that! Could you please verify your game files via Steam? Are you using any other mods besides PLITCH?

Thanks for checking that! Could you please verify your game files via Steam? Are you using any other mods besides PLITCH?

Hello, hope the info helps. Might be slot 6 instead of slot 7. Will test it again when I get another crew member. :-) Files verified, no other mods.

Hello, hope the info helps. Might be slot 6 instead of slot 7. Will test it again when I get another crew member. :-) Files verified, no other mods.

Got it! Please do test it again with another crew member. Also, could your firewall/antivirus be blocking PLITCH?

Got it! Please do test it again with another crew member. Also, could your firewall/antivirus be blocking PLITCH?