DMC problems.

Hey Socio90! According to SteamDB the latest update was on 09/10/2014 and our trainer is up to date for that. Could you provide us with some more info regarding these updates? Thanks!

Hey Socio90! According to SteamDB the latest update was on 09/10/2014 and our trainer is up to date for that. Could you provide us with some more info regarding these updates? Thanks!

which cheat did you use that caused the game to crash and certain enemies to not spawn?

which cheat did you use that caused the game to crash and certain enemies to not spawn?

I just started a new game and when the enemies spawned, only one of two appeared at first and when I killed the one, the other didn't spawn and I was stuck there. I had to turn off the cheats I had been using (all of them) and restart the checkpoint to get the second to show and when I turned them back on, no new enemies spawned. I am confused as to why this is happening. I haven't tried each individual cheat yet but am willing to try if need be.

I just started a new game and when the enemies spawned, only one of two appeared at first and when I killed the one, the other didn't spawn and I was stuck there. I had to turn off the cheats I had been using (all of them) and restart the checkpoint to get the second to show and when I turned them back on, no new enemies spawned. I am confused as to why this is happening. I haven't tried each individual cheat yet but am willing to try if need be.