Monthly subscription & new payment methods

You asked for it, we deliver.
We're excited to announce that the test phase for our new PLITCH Premium monthly subscription has started on January 31.
The new membership offers you full flexibility – for $9.99 per month.
Further payment methods are now available for all subscription types.
We've added 17 new options, which vary by country – and we'll be adding more over time.
Receive more news and insights about PLITCH in our official newsletter.
You can look forward to monthly game recaps, news on upcoming PLITCH streaming events as well as highlights from past streams and more.
To stay up to date, log into your account on our website or client, go to "Account Settings" and check the box under "Contact Preferences" to subscribe to the PLITCH newsletter.
Happy Gaming!
Your PLITCH Team

You asked for it, we deliver.
We're excited to announce that the test phase for our new PLITCH Premium monthly subscription has started on January 31.
The new membership offers you full flexibility – for $9.99 per month.
Further payment methods are now available for all subscription types.
We've added 17 new options, which vary by country – and we'll be adding more over time.
Receive more news and insights about PLITCH in our official newsletter.
You can look forward to monthly game recaps, news on upcoming PLITCH streaming events as well as highlights from past streams and more.
To stay up to date, log into your account on our website or client, go to "Account Settings" and check the box under "Contact Preferences" to subscribe to the PLITCH newsletter.
Happy Gaming!
Your PLITCH Team

We do not charge extra for skins or mobile-app/overlay usage.
As a German company, we comply to some of the strictest data protection laws in the world, including the GDPR.

We do not charge extra for skins or mobile-app/overlay usage.
As a German company, we comply to some of the strictest data protection laws in the world, including the GDPR.

Should i buy plitch premium?

Should i buy plitch premium?