Version 2.8.0B Skills/Experience not functioning

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1 Posts
Upon coming on to the game I wanted to activate and see if the Skills/Experience category was working and usable. As I tried to activate either the 10 XP, 10 XP or 1000 XP (per kill) I'm met with the same powering down tone you receive when turning off the Prepare section. I've gone through every other category to make sure they function properly which they work flawlessly and without issue.

So what I've tried so far, is activating each one outside the game application before starting it up, the 10 xp and 1000 xp are temperamental they rarely highlight as activated. I can get the 100 xp to highlight and active outside and inside the game. But upon testing weather its providing the experience correctly there's no noticeable difference. Tried with my main character level 70, and 2 separate fresh characters one with the cheat on and one without there was no significant level difference between the two characters.

Something is broken, hopefully this can be resolved as I know this is a re-occurring that comes up.
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1 posts
Upon coming on to the game I wanted to activate and see if the Skills/Experience category was working and usable. As I tried to activate either the 10 XP, 10 XP or 1000 XP (per kill) I'm met with the same powering down tone you receive when turning off the Prepare section. I've gone through every other category to make sure they function properly which they work flawlessly and without issue.

So what I've tried so far, is activating each one outside the game application before starting it up, the 10 xp and 1000 xp are temperamental they rarely highlight as activated. I can get the 100 xp to highlight and active outside and inside the game. But upon testing weather its providing the experience correctly there's no noticeable difference. Tried with my main character level 70, and 2 separate fresh characters one with the cheat on and one without there was no significant level difference between the two characters.

Something is broken, hopefully this can be resolved as I know this is a re-occurring that comes up.
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40977 Posts
Hey UnhingedRage,
have you tried gaining some xp before activating the cheat (while the prepare is active)?
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40977 Posts
Hey UnhingedRage,
have you tried gaining some xp before activating the cheat (while the prepare is active)?
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10 Posts
cheat won't even activate when I try to hit prepare it doesn't prepare
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10 Posts
cheat won't even activate when I try to hit prepare it doesn't prepare
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40977 Posts
Hey xXHellCat1996Xx,
since you already opened up a support ticket, everything else will be discussed within the ticket.
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40977 Posts
Hey xXHellCat1996Xx,
since you already opened up a support ticket, everything else will be discussed within the ticket.
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