Bomb Rush Cyberfunk
Trainer & Cheats

Bomb Rush Cyberfunk
Trainer & Cheats

Bomb Rush Cyberfunk
Top 4 cheats in PLITCH
Free Cheats0.7x Slower Boost Depletion 1.2x Boost Speed
Premium CheatsGodmode 0.4x Slower Boost Depletion See all cheats
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11 Cheat Codes
Bomb Rush Cyberfunk
Free Cheats for Bomb Rush Cyberfunk
These cheats are for free and available for everyone.
Activate First
Add Rep (1 = 5)
Player general
0.7x Slower Boost Depletion
1.2x Boost Speed
Premium Cheats for Bomb Rush Cyberfunk
Player general
0.4x Slower Boost Depletion
Unlimited Boost Charge
1.5x Boost Speed
2x Boost Speed
Unlimited jumps
Player attributes
Refill Boost Charge
FAQ and More
Bomb Rush Cyberfunk - Get ready for a graffiti crew battle!
Enter the vibrant future of Team Reptile's Bomb Rush Cyberfunk, where graffiti crews battle with boostpacks for control of the streets. Create your own cypher, dance, tag walls, and groove to beats as you tangle with the cops in New Amsterdam. Follow Red, a graffiti artist with a cyberhead, as he joins the Bomb Rush crew to uncover his past and dominate the city's graffiti scene, revealing deep connections between his humanity and the art form. If you want to customize the game to your liking, try PLITCH's Bomb Rush Cyberfunk cheats. The cheat codes from our Bomb Rush Cyberfunk trainer allow you to play the game by your own rules.Supported Stores*:
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Release Year:
Latest Trainer Update:
Team Reptile
20231/15/2024Full Name:
Bomb Rush Cyberfunk
Team Reptile
Release Year:
Latest Trainer Update:
Full Name:
Supported Stores*:
Team Reptile
20231/15/2024Bomb Rush Cyberfunk
Team Reptile