Decision - Red Daze
Trainer & Cheats

Decision - Red Daze
Trainer & Cheats

Decision - Red Daze
Top 4 cheats in PLITCH
Free CheatsRestore Health Low health
Premium CheatsEasy kills Unlimited resources See all cheats
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26 Cheat Codes
Decision - Red Daze
Free Cheats for Decision - Red Daze
These cheats are for free and available for everyone.
Activate First
Player general
Restore Health
Set Movement Speed (default = 2)
Low health
Premium Cheats for Decision - Red Daze
Easy kills
Unlimited resources
Add Money
Decrease Money
Set Level
Set Max Weight
Player attributes
Set Builder Bonus
Set Melee Weapon Bonus
Set Firearm Bonus
Set Heavy Weapon Bonus
Set Soldier Bonus
Set Worker Bonus
Set Ranger Bonus
Set Engineer Bonus
Set Medic Bonus
Set Strength Bonus
Set Endurance Bonus
Set Agility Bonus
Set Charisma Bonus
Unlimited Health
Unlimited Stamina
Unlimited Sleep
FAQ and More
Decision: Red Daze – The apocalypse has never been so much fun
Looking for a unique and challenging RPG experience? Look no further than Decision: Red Daze. In this action RPG, you'll not only need to survive in an apocalyptic wasteland, but also build a safe haven and protect it from the hordes of monsters that wander the land. You'll need to carefully select your team of specialists, each of whom has their own unique skills, and lead them in search of a cure for the disease that turned people into monsters in the first place. Our PLITCH cheat codes are ready to assist you during your search. Our Decision: Red Daze trainer and Decision: Red Daze cheats let you customize your game to suit your needs.Supported Stores*:
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Release Year:
Latest Trainer Update:
20225/27/2024Full Name:
Decision - Red Daze