Dream Cycle
Trainer & Cheats

Dream Cycle
Trainer & Cheats

Dream Cycle
Top 4 cheats in PLITCH
Free CheatsSet Movement-speed (default = 1) Set Gravity (default = 1)
Premium CheatsGodmode Unlimited mana See all cheats
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18 Cheat Codes
Dream Cycle
Free Cheats for Dream Cycle
These cheats are for free and available for everyone.
Activate First
+500 money on pickup
Player general
Set Movement-speed (default = 1)
Set Gravity (default = 1)
Set Jump-Height (default = 500)
Restore Health
Low health
Premium Cheats for Dream Cycle
Unlimited mana
Player attributes
Character-size: increase
Character-size: decrease
Character-Size: Normal
Player positions
Increase Position X
Decrease Position X
Increase Position Y
Decrease Position Y
Increase Position Z
Decrease Position Z
FAQ and More
Dream Cycle – The Secrets of the Dreamlands
In the video-game Dream Cycle you slip into the role of Morgan Carter. The inexperienced practitioner of the arcane arts is robbed by a long-lost relative and now finds herself trapped in the Dreamlands. On the brink of her death, it is your job to retrieve the essence that gives her power and free the Dreamlands from corruption. It's up to you to decide whether you want to face the enemies with swords, fists, or powerful magic. The game offers you the possibility to customize your character to prepare for each of the 10,000 adventures. Our exclusive PLITCH Training-Codes and Cheats will always be at your side during your journey, helping you defeat your great-great-uncle and regain your power.Supported Stores*:
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Release Year:
Latest Trainer Update:
Cathuria Games
20218/17/2022Full Name:
Dream Cycle
Raw Fury