Galactic Civilizations 4
Trainer & Cheats

Galactic Civilizations 4
Trainer & Cheats

Galactic Civilizations 4
Top 4 cheats in PLITCH
Free Cheats+10.000 money +5 Modules
Premium CheatsAutomatic ship-healing Infinite movement See all cheats
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46 Cheat Codes
Galactic Civilizations 4
Free Cheats for Galactic Civilizations 4
These cheats are for free and available for everyone.
Activate First
+10.000 money
+5 Modules
+50 Research points
Premium Cheats for Galactic Civilizations 4
Automatic ship-healing
Current ship: 1 hit point
Infinite movement
Current ship: +10 Experience
Current ship: 9 population
Current ship: 99 population
Current ship: 0 population
Current ship: 9 Construction Points
Current ship: 99 Construction Points
Current ship: 0 Construction Points
+5 Elerium
+5 Durantium
+5 Antimatter
+5 Promethion
+5 Thulium
+5 Lab Equipment
+5 Industrial Scaffolding
+5 Armory Module
+5 Commercial Goods
+5 Broadcast Equipment
+5 Drones
+5 Nanobots
+5 Food
+1 Culture Point
+500 research points
+5,000 research points
Infinite trait points
Luxury goods
+5 Arnor spice
+5 Epimetheus pollen
+5 Helios Ore
+5 Thulium catalyst
+5 Techapod hive
+5 Artocarpus viriles
+5 Monosatium deposit
+5 Crystallized elerium
+5 Xanthium deposit
+5 Aurorus arboretum
+5 Prometheus stone
+5 Hyper silicates
+5 Precursor nanites
+5 Harmony crystals
+5 Snuggler colony
FAQ and More
Galactic Civilizations IV – A new universe awaits!
Galactic Civilizations IV is the perfect game for anyone who dreams of leading their own intergalactic empire. With faster-than-light travel, you can explore the galaxy and encounter new civilizations on dozens of worlds. As the all-powerful leader, you must seek out new star systems and discover the exciting potential of the subspace realm. With so much to discover, Galactic Civilizations IV is sure to keep you entertained for hours on end. Scared to get lost in space? Not feeling as powerful as you’d like and wishing for cheat codes? Check out our PLITCH Galactic Civilizations IV trainer and the Galactic Civilizations IV cheats to enhance your gameplay.Supported Stores*:
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Release Year:
Latest Trainer Update:
Stardock Entertainment
20221/22/2024Full Name:
Galactic Civilizations 4
Stardock Entertainment
Release Year:
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Supported Stores*:
Stardock Entertainment
20221/22/2024Galactic Civilizations 4
Stardock Entertainment