Kraken Academy!!
Trainer & Cheats

Kraken Academy!!
Trainer & Cheats

Kraken Academy!!
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Kraken Academy!!
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FAQ and More
Kraken Academy – Back to school
In the video game Kraken Academy, saving the world takes a back seat. After all, you can use your magic amulet to start the 3-day time loop from the beginning at any time, so there's no hurry. Learn the habits of teachers and classmates to expose the traitor who makes your life even harder by being a malicious mastermind. This shouldn’t be too difficult though, because Kraken Academy is like any other school: ghosts in the art club, cultists on the climbing frame and man-eating crocodiles, nothing unusual. Each new time loop brings you closer to the traitor. Join the alternative music club, art club, sports club, or theater club to learn more about your classmates. Maybe the giraffe hoodie girl or broccoli girl is the traitor? Grab your time travel amulet and go on the hunt for clues. With our exclusive PLITCH training codes and cheats, you'll always be on the right track.Supported Stores*:
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Release Year:
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Happy Broccoli Games
20214/7/2022Full Name:
Kraken Academy!!
Fellow Traveller