Let's Build a Zoo
Trainer & Cheats

Let's Build a Zoo
Trainer & Cheats

Let's Build a Zoo
Top 4 cheats in PLITCH
Free CheatsSet Age (selected Animal) Set Life Expectancy (selected Animal)
Premium CheatsUnlimited money Set Fertility (selected Animal) See all cheats
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12 Cheat Codes
Let's Build a Zoo
Free Cheats for Let's Build a Zoo
These cheats are for free and available for everyone.
Activate First
Prepare (Selected Animal)
Set Age (selected Animal)
Set Life Expectancy (selected Animal)
Premium Cheats for Let's Build a Zoo
Unlimited money
Set Fertility (selected Animal)
Set Immune System (selected Animal)
Set Satiation (selected Animal)
Set Hygiene (selected Animal)
Set Nutrition (selected Animal)
Set Hydration (selected Animal)
Set Enrichment (selected Animal)
Set Health (selected Animal)
FAQ and More
Let's Build a Zoo – With over 300,000 animal combinations?!
Build your own zoo from scratch in this crazy simulation game. What’s so crazy about Let's Build a Zoo is, that you can splice animals together to create something new – because these days it takes a little more for families to be entertained, I guess. But don't be discouraged; there are over 500 different animals at your disposal with which you can make almost any combination of DNA! The Let's Build a Zoo Trainer from PLITCH is designed to help when you get stuck in the game. When you use our Let's Build a Zoo cheats, any challenges you face will be handled with ease and your adventure will have a hint of even more silliness mixed in for good measure. Don’t believe us? Well, maybe our Money Cheat, Life Expectancy Cheat or Fertility Cheat will convince you!Supported Stores*:
![Steam Steam]()
![MS-Store MS-Store]()
![Epic Epic]()
Release Year:
Latest Trainer Update:
20219/6/2024Full Name:
Let's Build a Zoo
No More Robots
Release Year:
Latest Trainer Update:
Full Name:
Supported Stores*:
20219/6/2024Let's Build a Zoo
No More Robots