Mars Horizon
Trainer & Cheats


Mars Horizon Cheats

PLITCH is an independent PC software with 72500+ cheats for 5100+ PC games, including 21 cheats for Mars Horizon

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Install PLITCH, start Mars Horizon and use the PLITCH cheats.

Mars Horizon
Trainer & Cheats


Mars Horizon Cheats

PLITCH is an independent PC software with 72500+ cheats for 5100+ PC games, including 21 cheats for Mars Horizon

Windows LogoDownload

Install PLITCH, start Mars Horizon and use the PLITCH cheats.

Trustpilot Current Truspilot Rating Based on 4624 reviews
Secured by Sectigo GDPR complaint
Mars Horizon
Top 4 cheats in PLITCH Free CheatsAdd FundsReset Funds to 0
PLITCH premium icon Premium Cheats
Easy Building ConstructionEasy/Fast Vehicle ConstructionSee all cheats Arrow pointing down

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PC download link via email *

* PLITCH is an independent PC software with 72500+ cheats for 5100+ PC games, including 21 cheats for Mars Horizon
Trustpilot Current Truspilot Rating Based on 4624 reviews
Secured by Sectigo GDPR complaint
Desktop Client Screenshot

21 Cheat Codes

Mars Horizon

Download and install PLITCH.
Create a free or premium account.
Open the client, search for your game, and start PLITCHing.*
* You need to purchase Mars Horizon in one of the supported stores to use it with PLITCH.

Free Cheats for Mars Horizon

These cheats are for free and available for everyone.
Activate First
Add Funds
Set Government Funding
Reset Funds to 0
PLITCH premium icon

Premium Cheats for Mars Horizon

These cheats are only available for premium users.
Easy Building Construction
Easy/Fast Vehicle Construction
Easy/Fast Payload Construction
Add Science
Add Support
Reset Science to 0
Reset Support to 0
Luxury goods
Set Funding Tier
Set Science Income Multiplier
Set Funds Income Multiplier
Set Monthly Income Multiplier
Set Research Cost Multiplier
Set Task Requirement Multiplier
Set Era
Set Mission Research Era
Set Vehicle Research Era
Set Base Research Era
Get Premium to use all cheats. PLITCH premium iconGet Premium

FAQ and More

Mars Horizon - The Journey to the Red Planet!

Mars Horizon is a strategy-simulation-video-game developed with the support of the European Space Agency. You manage your own space agency with the goal to reach Mars. At the beginning of the game, however, you still far away from reaching that goal and you have to find a way to get there through research and scientific progress. Our exclusive PLITCH Cheats and Training-Codes will accompany you on your journey into space!
Supported Stores*:
Developer: Release Year: Latest Trainer Update:
Auroch Digital
Full Name: Publisher:
Mars Horizon
The Irregular Corporation
Developer: Release Year: Latest Trainer Update: Full Name: Publisher: Supported Stores*:
Auroch Digital
20206/24/2022Mars Horizon
The Irregular Corporation
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