Rise of the Third Power
Trainer & Cheats

Rise of the Third Power
Trainer & Cheats

Rise of the Third Power
Top 4 cheats in PLITCH
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35 Cheat Codes
Rise of the Third Power
Free Cheats for Rise of the Third Power
These cheats are for free and available for everyone.
Activate First
Add ducats
Set ducats to 0
Heal (selected character)
Refill MP (selected Character)
Low HP (selected character)
No MP (selected Character)
Premium Cheats for Rise of the Third Power
Infinite HP (in Battle)
Infinite MP (in Battle)
Infinite Power (in Battle)
Easy Kill (in Battle)
No MP for Enemies (in Battle)
Free item usage
Add experience
Set experience to 0
Increase Vitality (selected Character)
Increase Wisdom (selected Character)
Increase Strength (selected Character)
Increase Spell Power (selected Character)
Increase Physical Defense (selected Character)
Decrease Exhaustion (selected Character)
Increase Magic Defense (selected Character)
Increase Critical Hit Rate (selected Character)
Increase Dodge Rate (selected Character)
Increase Speed (selected Character)
Character 2
Decrease Vitality (selected Character)
Decrease Wisdom (selected Character)
Decrease Strength (selected Character)
Decrease Spell Power (selected Character)
Decrease Physical Defense (selected Character)
Increase Exhaustion (selected Character)
Decrease Magic Defense (selected Character)
Decrease Critical Hit Rate (selected Character)
Decrease Dodge Rate (selected Character)
Decrease Speed (selected Character)
FAQ and More
Rise of the Third Power – Get ready for war
Welcome to the world of Rise of the Third Power, a retro-themed console-style roleplaying game with a unique take on the political climate of Europe in the late 1930s. The story takes place in the land of Rin during the height of the Age of Sail and follows the events that would lead to the greatest war in human history. With PLITCH’s cheat codes by your side, you don’t have to fear the war. Our Rise of the Third Power trainer and Rise of the Third Power cheats will support you in every possible situation.Supported Stores*:
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Release Year:
Latest Trainer Update:
Stegosoft Games
20226/29/2022Full Name:
Rise of the Third Power
DANGEN Entertainment