Survival: Fountain of Youth
Trainer & Cheats

Survival: Fountain of Youth
Trainer & Cheats

Survival: Fountain of Youth
Top 4 cheats in PLITCH
Free CheatsRestore Health Low health
Premium CheatsUnlimited Health Unlimited Stamina See all cheats
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83 Cheat Codes
Survival: Fountain of Youth
Free Cheats for Survival: Fountain of Youth
These cheats are for free and available for everyone.
Activate First
No Weight Penalty
Big Max Weight
Set Breath (default on land = 0; in water = 48)
Player general
Restore Health
Refill stamina
Refill energy
Low health
Premium Cheats for Survival: Fountain of Youth
Unlimited Health
Unlimited Stamina
Unlimited Breath
Unlimited Concentration
Unlimited Energy
No thirst
No hunger
Sunburn Bar Never Fills
Instant Dry
Overheat Bar Never Fills
Freeze Bar Never Fills
Malaria Bar Never Fills
Player general
Refill Water
Low Water
Refill food
Low food
Refill Selected Item Durability
Set Selected Item Max Durability
Set Selected Item Max Weight
Set Selected Item Level
Unlimited Perk Points
Set Perk Points
Add Swim XP
Add Travel XP
Add Power XP
Add Sail XP
Max Crafting
Max Fire Making
Max Cooking
Max Skinning
Max Throwing
Max Shooting
Max Strength
Max Athletics
Max Swimming
Max Drying
Max Mapping
Max Sailing
Max Fishing
Max Repairing
Max Medicine
Max Gathering
Max Concentration
Max Resist Disease
Max Resist Poison
Max Thirst Control
Max Hunger Control
Max Better Sleep
Max Learning
Max Alchemistry
Player attributes
Set Crafting (Max = 10)
Set Fire Making (Max = 10)
Set Cooking (Max = 10)
Set Skinning (Max = 10)
Set Throwing (Max = 10)
Set Shooting (Max = 10)
Set Strength (Max = 10)
Set Athletics (Max = 10)
Set Swimming (Max = 10)
Set Drying (Max = 10)
Set Mapping (Max = 10)
Set Sailing (Max = 10)
Set Fishing (Max = 10)
Set Repairing (Max = 10)
Set Medicine (Max = 10)
Set Gathering (Max = 10)
Set Concentration (Max = 3)
Set Resist Disease (Max = 3)
Set Resist Poison (Max = 3)
Set Thirst Control (Max = 3)
Set Hunger Control (Max = 3)
Set Better Sleep (Max = 3)
Set Learning (Max = 3)
Set Alchemistry (Max = 3)
Freeze time
FAQ and More
Survival: Fountain of Youth – Survive as a shipwrecked explorer!
Embark on the adventure of a lifetime in Survival: Fountain of Youth! This action-packed, single-player, open-world survival game takes place on the swashbuckling high seas of the 16th-century Caribbean. Play as a shipwrecked explorer in search of shelter, tools, and secrets to uncover the thrills around every corner. Build your own arsenal of weapons and resources to survive whatever fate throws your way. Explore uncharted territory and unravel the mysteries left behind by an ancient civilization as you sniff out hidden treasures and manifestations of power. If you need some help to survive the harsh circumstances, don't hesitate to activate PLITCH's Survival: Fountain of Youth cheats. The cheat codes from our Survival: Fountain of Youth trainer will have your back in every situation.Supported Stores*:
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Release Year:
Latest Trainer Update:
Odinsoft Inc.
202312/20/2024Full Name:
Survival: Fountain of Youth
Twin Sails Interactive
Release Year:
Latest Trainer Update:
Full Name:
Supported Stores*:
Odinsoft Inc.
202312/20/2024Survival: Fountain of Youth
Twin Sails Interactive