WW2 Rebuilder
Trainer & Cheats

WW2 Rebuilder
Trainer & Cheats

WW2 Rebuilder
Top 4 cheats in PLITCH
Free CheatsIncrease movement speed Decrease movement speed
Premium CheatsIncrease detector range Decrease detector range See all cheats
![Arrow pointing down]()

33 Cheat Codes
WW2 Rebuilder
Free Cheats for WW2 Rebuilder
These cheats are for free and available for everyone.
Activate First
Player general
Increase movement speed
Regular movement speed
Increase jump height
Regular jump height
Increase jump count
Regular jump count
Decrease movement speed
Decrease jump height
Decrease jump count
Premium Cheats for WW2 Rebuilder
Increase detector range
Decrease detector range
Regular detector range
Increase detector cooldown
No detector cooldown
Regular detector cooldown
Inventory: increase max brick
Inventory: decrease max brick
Inventory: increase max rubble
Inventory: decrease max rubble
Inventory: increase max metal
Inventory: decrease max metal
Inventory: increase max wood
Inventory: decrease max wood
Inventory: increase brick
Inventory: decrease brick
Inventory: increase rubble
Inventory: decrease rubble
Inventory: increase metal
Inventory: decrease metal
Inventory: increase wood
Inventory: decrease wood
No resources decrease
FAQ and More
WW2 Rebuilder – Rebuild war-torn European cities
Experience a part of history with WW2 Rebuilder . This unique game allows you to observe the aftermath of WWII and rebuild war-torn European cities. PLITCH’s WW2 Rebuilder PC cheats will make this process easier. With our WW2 Rebuilder trainer and the included cheat codes, you’ll rebuild the cities in no time.Supported Stores*:
![Steam Steam]()
Release Year:
Latest Trainer Update:
Madnetic Games
202310/21/2024Full Name:
WW2 Rebuilder
PlayWay S.A., Madnetic Games
Release Year:
Latest Trainer Update:
Full Name:
Supported Stores*:
Madnetic Games
202310/21/2024WW2 Rebuilder
PlayWay S.A., Madnetic Games