Broken Pieces
Trainer & Cheats

Broken Pieces
Trainer & Cheats

Broken Pieces
Top 4 cheats in PLITCH
Free CheatsRestore Health Low health
Premium CheatsGodmode Unlimited power See all cheats
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14 Cheat Codes
Broken Pieces
Free Cheats for Broken Pieces
These cheats are for free and available for everyone.
Activate First
Low health
Player attributes
Set Player Speed (default = 1)
Player general
Restore Health
Premium Cheats for Broken Pieces
Unlimited power
Unlimited mana
Player general
Refill power
Refill mana
No Power
Low mana
Set Rain Cooldown Time (default = 15)
Set Bullets (When normal bullets are loaded)
Set HQ Bullets (When HQ Bullets are loaded)
FAQ and More
Broken Pieces – Put them back together
Do you like to solve puzzles? Do you like being engaged in a good mystery? If you said yes to both, then you will love Broken Pieces. This game is a psychological thriller taking place in a village somehow outside the flow of time. The objective of the game is to put the pieces of the story back together and figure out the enigma behind this mystical place. You will have to use your wit and detective skills to discover all the clues and unravel the mystery. If you wish to change the game a bit, make sure to download the PLITCH all-in-one trainer software. In it, you will find the Broken Pieces trainer that has plenty of Broken Pieces PC cheats ready for you to enable. The cheat codes will let you focus on the puzzle aspect of the game.Supported Stores*:
![Steam Steam]()
Release Year:
Latest Trainer Update:
Elseware Experience, Benoit Dereau, Mael Vignaux
20223/20/2023Full Name:
Broken Pieces
Freedom Games