Giants Uprising
Trainer & Cheats

Giants Uprising
Trainer & Cheats

Giants Uprising
Top 4 cheats in PLITCH
Free CheatsSet Movement-speed (default = 1) Restore Health
Premium CheatsEasy kills Godmode See all cheats
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21 Cheat Codes
Giants Uprising
Free Cheats for Giants Uprising
These cheats are for free and available for everyone.
Activate First
Player general
Set Movement-speed (default = 1)
Restore Health
Refill stamina
Low health
Low stamina
Premium Cheats for Giants Uprising
Easy kills
Unlimited Stamina
Unlimited rage
Player general
Character-size: increase
Character-size: decrease
Character-Size: Normal
Player positions
Increase Position X
Decrease Position X
Increase Position Y
Decrease Position Y
Increase Position Z
Decrease Position Z
Fill Rage
No Rage
FAQ and More
Giants Uprising – Take brutal revenge on all humans!
Giants Uprising plunges you into a world where kingdoms and empires lay in ruin. The ancient race of giants is being enslaved by the humans. As a runaway giant slave accompanied by your fellow human convict, you take brutal revenge on those who've oppressed you. Quench your thirst for blood by destroying whatever lays in your path. There can be no refuge from violence or from the consequences of the greed of the human race. The Giants Uprising Trainer from PLITCH allows you to use cheat codes that are designed to help, whenever you get stuck in the game. The Giants Uprising cheat codes can be used in single-player mode to extend the gaming fun even further and make the experience even more exciting. Take your sweet revenge on the humans without having to worry about anything else thanks to PLITCH.Supported Stores*:
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Release Year:
Latest Trainer Update:
Varsav Game Studios
202112/21/2022Full Name:
Giants Uprising
VARSAV Game Studios