Rain on Your Parade
Trainer & Cheats

Rain on Your Parade
Trainer & Cheats

Rain on Your Parade
Top 4 cheats in PLITCH
Free CheatsSet Movement-Speed (default = 10) Refill Water
Premium CheatsInvisible To Sun Unlimited Water See all cheats
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6 Cheat Codes
Rain on Your Parade
Free Cheats for Rain on Your Parade
These cheats are for free and available for everyone.
Activate First
Refill Water
Low Water
Player general
Set Movement-Speed (default = 10)
Premium Cheats for Rain on Your Parade
Invisible To Sun
Unlimited Water
FAQ and More
Rain on Your Parade – Malicious Joy Guaranteed
In the indie-video-game Rain on Your Parade, you play a cute, harmless-looking cloud, but don't let that fool you. Your goal is to ruin people's day by causing chaos. The more chaos, the better! Complete objectives to unlock new, increasingly wacky ways to wreak havoc. Blow away people's umbrellas with wind and make them wet by letting it rain on them, use lightning to set trees and houses on fire, tornadoes to destroy crops, and even meteors to wipe out the dinosaurs – the possibilities are sheer endless! Our exclusive PLITCH Training-Codes and Cheats will help you make the world an unsafe place!Supported Stores*:
![Steam Steam]()
![MS-Store MS-Store]()
Release Year:
Latest Trainer Update:
Unbound Creations
20211/28/2022Full Name:
Rain on Your Parade
Unbound Creations