Sword and Fairy 7
Trainer & Cheats

Sword and Fairy 7
Trainer & Cheats

Sword and Fairy 7
Top 4 cheats in PLITCH
Free CheatsFast Movement-Speed Set Gravity (default = 3)
Premium CheatsGodmode Unlimited mana See all cheats
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23 Cheat Codes
Sword and Fairy 7
Free Cheats for Sword and Fairy 7
These cheats are for free and available for everyone.
Activate First
Player attributes
Restore Health
Refill mana
Low health
Low mana
Player general
Fast Movement-Speed
Set Gravity (default = 3)
Set Jump-Height (default = 1300)
Premium Cheats for Sword and Fairy 7
Unlimited mana
Unlimited jumps
Character-size: increase
Character-size: decrease
Character-Size: Normal
Player positions
Increase Position X
Decrease Position X
Increase Position Y
Decrease Position Y
Increase Position Z
Decrease Position Z
Increase Level (Character)
Set Physical Attack
Set Physical Defense
FAQ and More
Sword and Fairy 7 – An action-packed journey through a fairy-tale world
Sword and Fairy 7 is a video game with action and role-playing elements. In real-time combat, you'll face massive monsters to defeat them. Switch between your protagonists to find out the perfect battle strategy. To survive even against the biggest opponents, you'll acquire useful skills during your forays through the vast landscapes, which will make your character even stronger and the gameplay even more fluid. When the action on the battlefield gets too much, you can relax with a card game and pet your little companion. With our Sword and Fairy 7 trainer, you can easily and quickly activate the saving codes between two attacks. The Sword and Fairy 7 cheats will help you defeat any of the monsters without even a scratch.Supported Stores*:
![Steam Steam]()
![MS-Store MS-Store]()
Release Year:
Latest Trainer Update:
20217/12/2023Full Name:
Sword and Fairy 7